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Statistical Report on the Results of the Vulnerability Detection and Cyber Incidents/Cyber Attacks Response System Operation for 2022


During 2022:

  • 58 bil of processed events (received by the means of monitoring, analysis and transferring of telemetry information about cyber incidents and cyberattacks); 
  • 181 mln of suspicious information security events (during primary analysis); 
  • 179,000 of critical IS events (potential cyber incidents identified after suspicious IS events filtering and secondary analysis completion); 
  • 415 registered cyber incidents (critical IS events identified and processed directly by security analysts)

were processed by the means of the Vulnerability Detection and Cyber Incidents/Cyber Attacks Response System.

Compared to 2021, the number of IS events increased by:

●    18.3 times in the Malicious Code category,

●    2.2 times in the Phishing category.

The total number of critical IS events increased by 3.7%. Among them, the number of events where automatic source geolocation attribution is associated with russia increased by 26%.

Overally, the number of registered and processed cyber incidents increased by 2.8 times compared to 2021.

The Report, presented below, provides the more detailed statistics.

For reference. The Vulnerability Detection and Cyber Incidents/Cyber Attacks Response System refers to the set of software and software&hardware tools that ensure round-the-clock monitoring, analysis and transferring of the telemetric information about cyber incidents and cyber attacks which occurred or are currently occurring at cyber protection objects and may have negative impact on their sustainable functioning.

Report file

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